(Picture by Fox_Fotography!!!!) Leather Bear Tails is about the leather journey of my slave and I. It deals with all parts of the leather and BDSM experience from safety to predators, to skills, and all of the lovely mistakes that she and I make along the way!! Also!! I have written a book called "M/s for the Rest of Us" it can be found for purchase here: http://www.lulu.com/shop/k-e-enzweiler/ms-for-the-rest-of-us/paperback/product-22151343.html
I have written a book called "M/s for the Rest of Us" it is available for purchase here: http://www.lulu.com/shop/k-e-enzweiler/ms-for-the-rest-of-us/paperback/product-22151343.html
Or on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Rest-Us-K-E-Enzweiler/dp/1329062213/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1432825657&sr=1-2&keywords=m%2Fs+for+the+rest+of+us
I am the founder of the Albuquerque Masters Group. We meet once every other month. The group is open to all who wish to explore their Mastery, slavery, or Dominance and submission. Please contact me here or at my email : Bigdykebear@yahoo.com for more information! The meetings are free to all who wish to attend!
If you are interested in power munches, skills workshops or play parties in the Albuquerque area please contact the 20 year organization of AEL at:
If you are interested in active online community please find:
Group names for the Albuquerque Community Include:
Land Of Enchantment Fetlifers
Albuquerque Kinksters
KinkySpot Clubhouse
Albuquerque Master/slave forum
New Mexico Leather League: Leather/Kink/Fetish and More
Friday, November 29, 2013
It does feel different.....
We have been together for eleven years. We were unofficially married in Florida eight years ago. So one would think that legally getting married wouldn’t be that big of a deal- right?
Well the day we got married, I was shaky and sweaty, and so nervous.
And yes- it does feel different now.
I feel like I can protect her now. Like I can take care of her better now. I feel like I have the ability to be there for her better now. It isn’t just being legally married, or being her wife- it is that if she ends up in the hospital.
I have the right to make decisions for her and not some long lost cousin that just happens to show up.
That if we do end up having kids I have legal ground in case something happens to her, and that her family- or mine- can’t just come in and say unfit- unnatural parent-
If I should die- she doesn’t get taxed to death, and she will be cared for.
This means so much- so yes it feel different.
I remember in Florida after we got married, and I told some people that we were married- they would follow it up with "well you didn't REALLY get married- did you?"
When I had to say”no- it wasn't legal".
I could see the relaxation and smugness come over that person. Like they enjoyed having me admit that my marriage had no legal standing.
But now I can say it- we are legally married.
She has my name.
And yes- it feels different.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Jumping the Broom 11/19/13
Us at the county clerks. Do I look green?????
Walking down the isle at Roosevelt park.
The ceremony
Mauro was amazing, heartfelt, and joyous. We were so blessed that he did our ceremony.
The rings.
The kiss.
The amazingly loving wedding party- Jaime, Lori, and my amazing Wife.
Mauro and my amazing Wife.
My Legally Recognized Wife.
The actual License.
The Lesbian Marriage boots.
The flowers were Perfect.
Then on 11/20/2013 we went to the Social Security off and she had her name legally change to mine.
Walking down the isle at Roosevelt park.
The ceremony
Mauro was amazing, heartfelt, and joyous. We were so blessed that he did our ceremony.
The rings.
The kiss.
The amazingly loving wedding party- Jaime, Lori, and my amazing Wife.
Mauro and my amazing Wife.
My Legally Recognized Wife.
The actual License.
The Lesbian Marriage boots.
The flowers were Perfect.
Then on 11/20/2013 we went to the Social Security off and she had her name legally change to mine.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Clothing/blanket drive
Hello everyone.
A dear friend of mine lost five of her immediate family in the typhoon that struck the Philippines.
I would like to start a clothing and blanket drive to send care packages to those in need.
If anyone would like to donate I will be collecting blankets and clothing (all sizes) for the next month.
I will arrange for pick up where and when it is convenient for you.
All donations are sent overseas.
Feel free to contact me here on fet, or at bigdykebear@yahoo.com to arrange a donation pickup or if you are interested in being a drop off point in Albuquerque.
Thanks everyone.
Hugz and Luv,
A dear friend of mine lost five of her immediate family in the typhoon that struck the Philippines.
I would like to start a clothing and blanket drive to send care packages to those in need.
If anyone would like to donate I will be collecting blankets and clothing (all sizes) for the next month.
I will arrange for pick up where and when it is convenient for you.
All donations are sent overseas.
Feel free to contact me here on fet, or at bigdykebear@yahoo.com to arrange a donation pickup or if you are interested in being a drop off point in Albuquerque.
Thanks everyone.
Hugz and Luv,
Friday, November 15, 2013
Movies, TP, Tacos , Family Style
This week has been amazing. On Monday we had dinner with an amazingly sexy friend, that ended in all of us on the couch with her furry family watching a movie. It was AWESOME! CROODS RULE!!!!
On Tuesday my slave went out with her TAGF, totally AWESOME girlfriend and they ran errands and talked! TP AS A PRESENT RULES!!!!! That night my slave and I went out for dinner with our Intentional family and we had a blast!!! TACOS RULE!
On Wednesday my slave received so much love, so much joy, that she was in pure bliss. So much so that she is still smiling, and I cant stop smiling for her. LOVE RULES!!!!! On Wednesday night we went to dinner at another amazingly sexy friends house! STEAK FAMILY STYLE RULES!!!! PILFERING TP RULES!!!
This morning, which is her birthday, for the first time in years she woke up smiling and happy. On her birthday.
The horses have eaten. I am doing well in school. Hope is returning that our struggles may not come to an end but get easier in December.
This week was AMAZING!
How incredible to be surrounded by so much love, so much joy, and so much incredible food!
This was the best WEEK EVER!!
After my slaves braiding class we decided that her intentional beauty series needs to be more accessible and so we are going to start having them here for 5$ per person to cover costs.
So keep out an eye in December!
On Tuesday my slave went out with her TAGF, totally AWESOME girlfriend and they ran errands and talked! TP AS A PRESENT RULES!!!!! That night my slave and I went out for dinner with our Intentional family and we had a blast!!! TACOS RULE!
On Wednesday my slave received so much love, so much joy, that she was in pure bliss. So much so that she is still smiling, and I cant stop smiling for her. LOVE RULES!!!!! On Wednesday night we went to dinner at another amazingly sexy friends house! STEAK FAMILY STYLE RULES!!!! PILFERING TP RULES!!!
This morning, which is her birthday, for the first time in years she woke up smiling and happy. On her birthday.
The horses have eaten. I am doing well in school. Hope is returning that our struggles may not come to an end but get easier in December.
This week was AMAZING!
How incredible to be surrounded by so much love, so much joy, and so much incredible food!
This was the best WEEK EVER!!
After my slaves braiding class we decided that her intentional beauty series needs to be more accessible and so we are going to start having them here for 5$ per person to cover costs.
So keep out an eye in December!
Friday, November 8, 2013
Butchness -
Being a Butch is a complicated thing.
More complicated than being a Master, I think. I started on my
journey of being a Butch after I left my first wife where I defaulted into being
a femme for a lot of reasons. When I finally found my Butch identity and
shaved my head for that reason, it was a coming into my body, a coming home, and an understanding
that all of those years that I never felt quite right had a reason. That how I
felt about shopping in the women's department made sense now.
I can remember when I was in my teens - I don’t quite remember what age- and I asked to be taken to the boys store to buy jeans. The answer by my two lesbian parents at the time was no. I never asked again.
When I met my slave and we came together she embraced my Butch in a way that made me feel empowered and loved to no end. I, in turn, reveled in it.
I built my Butch pride not just in my clothes, and my haircut, but in my ability to protect and provide. This was MY WOMAN, and I will put the food in her mouth, and the clothes on her back. I will provide, make sure that she has health care and a roof over her head. She is mine to protect and care for and nurture.
MINE-- as I beat my chest and hoot and growl! Mine! Mine! Mine!
Because I did everything that this world said that I had no right to do. I did it anyway.
And I did it well.
And then came the last two years.
And I needed help. Still do, need help that is.
To feed her and keep her warm and keep a roof over her head.
Clothing optional.
I struggle every time that I say yes. I feel like a disappointment to her, like how can I call myself much of anything when the cupboards are so bare, and the health care she has is irrelevant because I can’t afford to pay the co pays.
I know that we have just moved our lives upside down for a chance at a better life. That was me saying - we are doing this- because I WILL take care of you, or give everything that I have trying.
I am in no way saying that I am not grateful to everyone for coming out of the wood work and giving us so much of their time, effort and resources. I am so deeply grateful that everyone has seen that I have Butch Pride, and has said – look Man, I know this isn’t easy- let’s do this anyway.
And because I put my Butch pride away, she gets to eat, she gets to have a roof over her head, and she gets to be warm.
So what is more important? My identity or her?
Her always. Put me in a dress and have my hair grow out. Her always. Put me in heels- low ones- so I dont break my neck. Her always. Put me in girl panties and a frilly bra. Her always.
Thank you to everyone that have provided for us and continue to provide for us during this time.
Thank you to my intentional family:
Thank you to SM. You have kept us going in so many ways I can’t tell you how grateful I am for all of you. For your kindness, for your constant thoughtfulness and inquiry as to how we are doing. For your guidance that provides me with so much faith that this will change. It will get better.
Thank you to J&L. For feeding us and the horses. The bale of hay that you so thoughtfully provided shocked me when I saw it because we needed it so desperately. It meant that the horses ate all day. I could feel the contentment coming off of them as they ate and paused and ate and paused.
Thank you to KS for all that you do and have done to give her laughter and joy, and safety.
Thank you OB for providing us with so much when you have so little. I am touched and warmed by you and yours.
I can remember when I was in my teens - I don’t quite remember what age- and I asked to be taken to the boys store to buy jeans. The answer by my two lesbian parents at the time was no. I never asked again.
When I met my slave and we came together she embraced my Butch in a way that made me feel empowered and loved to no end. I, in turn, reveled in it.
I built my Butch pride not just in my clothes, and my haircut, but in my ability to protect and provide. This was MY WOMAN, and I will put the food in her mouth, and the clothes on her back. I will provide, make sure that she has health care and a roof over her head. She is mine to protect and care for and nurture.
MINE-- as I beat my chest and hoot and growl! Mine! Mine! Mine!
Because I did everything that this world said that I had no right to do. I did it anyway.
And I did it well.
And then came the last two years.
And I needed help. Still do, need help that is.
To feed her and keep her warm and keep a roof over her head.
Clothing optional.
I struggle every time that I say yes. I feel like a disappointment to her, like how can I call myself much of anything when the cupboards are so bare, and the health care she has is irrelevant because I can’t afford to pay the co pays.
I know that we have just moved our lives upside down for a chance at a better life. That was me saying - we are doing this- because I WILL take care of you, or give everything that I have trying.
I am in no way saying that I am not grateful to everyone for coming out of the wood work and giving us so much of their time, effort and resources. I am so deeply grateful that everyone has seen that I have Butch Pride, and has said – look Man, I know this isn’t easy- let’s do this anyway.
And because I put my Butch pride away, she gets to eat, she gets to have a roof over her head, and she gets to be warm.
So what is more important? My identity or her?
Her always. Put me in a dress and have my hair grow out. Her always. Put me in heels- low ones- so I dont break my neck. Her always. Put me in girl panties and a frilly bra. Her always.
Thank you to everyone that have provided for us and continue to provide for us during this time.
Thank you to my intentional family:
Thank you to SM. You have kept us going in so many ways I can’t tell you how grateful I am for all of you. For your kindness, for your constant thoughtfulness and inquiry as to how we are doing. For your guidance that provides me with so much faith that this will change. It will get better.
Thank you to J&L. For feeding us and the horses. The bale of hay that you so thoughtfully provided shocked me when I saw it because we needed it so desperately. It meant that the horses ate all day. I could feel the contentment coming off of them as they ate and paused and ate and paused.
Thank you to KS for all that you do and have done to give her laughter and joy, and safety.
Thank you OB for providing us with so much when you have so little. I am touched and warmed by you and yours.
Friday, November 1, 2013
BDSM 101 Hands ON class
I don't like going to BDSM 101 classes. Every BDSM 101 class that I have been too has
been an exercise in keeping my eyes open, and although the information is still
relevant and important, it makes me sleepy. Even though I feel that BDSM 101 classes are
critical to have consistently available, I haven’t ever been to one that made
me excited about BDSM and left me wanting more. So when I was approached by
Self Serve to teach a BDSM 101 class, I cringed a little on the inside. At
first I accepted because I believe that the class is really important to have,
and Self serve reaches a sect of people that are either not in community, or
can’t be in community for whatever reason. But as the Self Serve team and I
were talking, they brought up the idea of having it be taught as an interactive
That is when I started to get excited and my juices got
flowing. I thought- yea, why not? Why can’t
a BDSM 101 class be hands on? After all BDSM is about the experience, which can
only be achieved by doing, and how better to get people excited about the possibilities
of BDSM then giving them some hands on?
So I thought about it for a few days and came up with a do
able workshop that I thought could go over well, and prepped for the upcoming
class. I was so nervous; this could easily go a few ways that maybe wouldn’t be
BUT!!! It was so
much fun!
The first part of the class was set aside to go over history,
the legalities of current BDSM, myths and then I defined three aspects of BDSM power exchange, role play and fetish / kink. Afterwards I went over the physical and
psychological aspects of play- from euphoria to crashing.
It was when the hands part got started that I was really
excited to have some fun!
Earlier in the class I had people look around to see what
BDSM toy interested them. Then at one point I had each of them go get a toy of
their choice. As a group we went through
what everyone had picked, and talked about the differences in different types
of the same toys as well as differences in cuffs. From there I gave each couple
an assignment, and then I let them go and see where their fantasies would take
It was just what I had hoped that it would be. People loving
the experience of BDSM, getting excited about what they were doing, and seeing
the possibility of what could be done.
I loved watching as they brought their own desires to life,
as their faces went from excitement to being turned on, and hearing the room
fill with laughter and joy. It was
everything that I was hoping for.
I had one person that I worked with specifically in regards to
their identity and how they needed to understand their own body first and then
work from there. I loved that time, working with that person one on one.
Listening to their story and trying to let them know that they were not alone.
I would go from person to person giving them little bits of safety information
and then letting them go and experiment.
After the hands on portion, we came back together and did the
written questions part of the workshop. I use this in every class. Every person gets a piece of paper and a pen
to write down a question. It allows for anonymity and candor, and is a good way
to end the class overall.
The questions were great and the people were so engaged, but
how I knew it was a great class was the red faces as people bought their toys
and ran home. Most likely in a hurry to have tea and crumpets, or watch the
news and then retire quietly to bed, or maybe clean the bathroom.
But I doubt it…….
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