Today is Halloween. I love this day. Tomorrow night we celebrate Sowen with a ritual in the mountains. This is a great time of reflection and giving of thanks.
For the last few weeks I have been telling people, with much delight and wonder how much our life has changed.
When we lived in our old house I would say "when things are better we can..." fill in the blank here.
And now I look at the blanks and they are all getting filled.
Simple things that have a dramatic affect on our lives. A cell phone, me being back in school, my slave going to dance class just to name a few.
When I think about how this all of this movement started- it started with a book.
My slave left one of her books in the bathroom of the old house.
It was called VooDou Visions, and in one of my forced moments of sitting down (hahhahah) I picked it up and it fell to a page which I skimmed over.
The next time I was in there it was the same thing, and by time three I started to notice a pattern.
Every time the book opened it opened to the same page- Maman Brijit.
So I asked my slave who is this and what does it mean?
My slave knew Maman and explained her to me. Maman is a Loa in VooDou- kind of like a Saint is in Christianity. (Very loosely here.)
And she was calling to me.
It was after I started communicating with Maman Brijit things started to change and fast.
Within months we were here- our new place- and I finally knew what all of those religious folks had been talking about all those years.
It wasn't just that Maman had provided so much for us, it was more then that.
It was a calling to her. I felt safety with her, a deep understanding that spiritually I am not alone.
I keep her alter by me at the table by the couch. I give thanks and deep appreciation to her for all that I am grateful for.
Tonight is about giving her my thanks, walking beside her, giving her my deep appreciation of how far she has taken me, how much she has held my hand, how much she has given me hope, and how much we have yet to explore.
So today I share with you a peice of myself in hopes that if you are searching for a voice that you will one day find it, and that it brings you peace.
For Maman With Deepest Respect-

(Picture by Fox_Fotography!!!!) Leather Bear Tails is about the leather journey of my slave and I. It deals with all parts of the leather and BDSM experience from safety to predators, to skills, and all of the lovely mistakes that she and I make along the way!! Also!! I have written a book called "M/s for the Rest of Us" it can be found for purchase here:
I have written a book called "M/s for the Rest of Us" it is available for purchase here:
Or on Amazon:
I am the founder of the Albuquerque Masters Group. We meet once every other month. The group is open to all who wish to explore their Mastery, slavery, or Dominance and submission. Please contact me here or at my email : for more information! The meetings are free to all who wish to attend!
If you are interested in power munches, skills workshops or play parties in the Albuquerque area please contact the 20 year organization of AEL at:
If you are interested in active online community please find:
Group names for the Albuquerque Community Include:
Land Of Enchantment Fetlifers
Albuquerque Kinksters
KinkySpot Clubhouse
Albuquerque Master/slave forum
New Mexico Leather League: Leather/Kink/Fetish and More
Friday, October 31, 2014
Friday, October 24, 2014
Leather Fiesta Madness!
My slave and love has been working tirelessly over the last
few days to make her homemade bath and body goods for Leather Fiesta.
Everything that she made is organic but NOT edible! And you will want to eat it! BUT DON’T!
They will be available at the Tease table in the vender area throughout
the event. Look for Deborah and Travis and their amazing custom made leather goods!
Here is a sneak peak of what she has created!
Tops and Pervy Aftercare package including: foot massage cream, achy hand and knuckle ointment, custom herbal tea blend, sore muscle massage salve and
Bottoms UP aftercare kit including: custom herbal tea, "I kneed you joint cream", a black and blue boo boo salve, and more!
Pampered Goddess kit for trans women and women with sensitive skin including: a sensitive skin toner, a micro-derm
abrasion kit, rose bath mix,
white chocolate whipped shake body butter and more!
Pampered Goddess Kit for cross dressers, drag queens and
women with combination skin including: skin toner, oat and lavender bath mix, salt glow, chocolate whipped shake body butter
and more!
Individually there is also: chocolate and wine salt glow, whipped shake
body butter, face toner, healing foot cream, candied rose petals, cardmon and chocolate bath oil, and floral bath
I am so proud of her!!!!
The Mad Scientists TABLE :
all her GOODS!
floral face steam
healing foot butter
Friday, October 17, 2014
Thank you From BOZO!!!!
I would like to say thank you so to everyone who came to Bozos fundraiser! From the attendees to the donators and volunteers we are all so grateful for your for donating your time effort and energy to helping him receive his cancer surgery!
Due to this communities efforts there was 640$ raised that night.
Handy and t
Horns and n
M and Vlad
Due to this communities efforts there was 640$ raised that night.
The attendees efforts meant that this week Bozo was able to get his surgery and is currently completely recovered.
Thank you so much for giving of yourself and making this happen!
Thank you so much for giving of yourself and making this happen!
It is times like this that I am so deeply PROUD to be a part of this community!
Handy and t
Horns and n
M and Vlad
Saturday, October 11, 2014
My slaves Come Out Come Out video!
For those that are using phoines/ipads- Here is the link that is more available!
Friday, October 10, 2014
Come Out Come Out
When my slave got the initial email to put in her
application for “Come Out Come Out” I was so happy for her. We both knew that
it may or may not be accepted since so many people out in the applications and
there were only for spots left. So when she got the approval I was so stunned
and proud!
It was weeks of her working on the song, the costume the last
minute details, and the ever important Plan “B”. The night before the show it became apparent
that her skirt was not going to be ready. So we switched to plan “B” and she prepped
for that change.
The costume was inspired by the last Hunger Games- she was
covered in butterflies! It was so beautiful! I got to dress her- I do love
doing that- and I got to put the butterflies all over her costume and
skin! It was so much FUN!
Afterwards I went out in
the crowd- she was second in the line up- I sat down and realized that it has been forever since I have been in a crowd
full of LGBTQ. People like me- of sorts.
I LOVED watching the
butches in their fancy digs hold the elbows of heir femmes as they navigated
the crowd.
I LOVED watching the dynamics of the single butches holding
their beers trying to get the attention of that special femme across the room.
The stance, the bravado that smile as they take a swig- all the while hoping
that their nervousness and desire are covered in their swagger. I remember
that- I remember doing that- so hopeful-
I LOVED watching the femmes in their high
skirts and heels, glimpses of
thigh tattoos, cleavage hoisted to the sky, shy knowing smiles.
I LOVED watching the Andros- not as many now as there was
years ago- stoic faces, trying to fit in, unsure, standing next to partners dressed as they are, twins in a sea of individuals.
I LOVED watching the Queens supremely confident in their immaculate make up and heels, the
younger “queens to be” watching without trying to be so
obvious, inching their way over to
the glamor with dreamy eyes and practicing
It was so beautiful- it was so intense, it was so glorious
and affirming.
And there was me- camera hanging over my crotch- the
ultimate sign of “married” scrambling back
and forth, trying to get her something
to drink, making sure the camera is on the
right settings, nervous for her, and saying that I am not. Reveling in my place. My place beside her.
How lucky am I?
Take a look for yourself!!!
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Before you continue reading- this was NOT vanilla consensual and I know that- it borders on sane.
The JW's have been here three times.
The last time the JW's came to the house I told the- remember this address- AND do not come back. So When the JW's knocked on the door that leads right to the Dungeon- I did what I have always wanted to do.
So I had to run off the crapper and put on a robe and go answer the door- when I saw the JW's outside of the dungeon door- I thought- COME ON!!!
So I opened the door and I said- "OH no You DIDN'T- But wait - who are you?" (After all if they were selling cake.... it is after all cake...)
They said we are JW's. It was two girls.
I said
"I have told you not to come back here. "
One of the girls sadi "Was your house on a list then?"
I said :
"Yes, but since you have knocked on the door to my dungeon would you like to come in? I have a spanking bench and a cross. This is where we throw the BDSM and sex parties- Would you like me coming to your house?"
They stood wide eyes not moving and then said "NO!"
I said
"REALLY, you DON'T want me coming to your house?? Are you sure you dont want me coming to your house? I can get your address and then I can invite you to the BDSM and sex parties. IN FACT let me show you my toys."
I closed the door (SO that the cats would not get out) and I grabbed a flogger.
When I returned they were running for the car.
I started throwing the flogger around and I yelled:
"OHH COME BACK!! Really you will be so much more relaxed! This would be good for you! Come on- REALLY- you would be SO MUCH MORE RELAXED."
They peeled out of our driveway so fast - there was a squealing of tires and dust.
It felt good- it felt really good.
I have always wanted to do that.
I know it makes me a bad person.
I am OK with that.
In my defense I didn't even grab the cat o' nine- I grabbed a soft flogger- Hum.... maybe they were into canes......
The JW's have been here three times.
The last time the JW's came to the house I told the- remember this address- AND do not come back. So When the JW's knocked on the door that leads right to the Dungeon- I did what I have always wanted to do.
So I had to run off the crapper and put on a robe and go answer the door- when I saw the JW's outside of the dungeon door- I thought- COME ON!!!
So I opened the door and I said- "OH no You DIDN'T- But wait - who are you?" (After all if they were selling cake.... it is after all cake...)
They said we are JW's. It was two girls.
I said
"I have told you not to come back here. "
One of the girls sadi "Was your house on a list then?"
I said :
"Yes, but since you have knocked on the door to my dungeon would you like to come in? I have a spanking bench and a cross. This is where we throw the BDSM and sex parties- Would you like me coming to your house?"
They stood wide eyes not moving and then said "NO!"
I said
"REALLY, you DON'T want me coming to your house?? Are you sure you dont want me coming to your house? I can get your address and then I can invite you to the BDSM and sex parties. IN FACT let me show you my toys."
I closed the door (SO that the cats would not get out) and I grabbed a flogger.
When I returned they were running for the car.
I started throwing the flogger around and I yelled:
"OHH COME BACK!! Really you will be so much more relaxed! This would be good for you! Come on- REALLY- you would be SO MUCH MORE RELAXED."
They peeled out of our driveway so fast - there was a squealing of tires and dust.
It felt good- it felt really good.
I have always wanted to do that.
I know it makes me a bad person.
I am OK with that.
In my defense I didn't even grab the cat o' nine- I grabbed a soft flogger- Hum.... maybe they were into canes......
Friday, October 3, 2014
Hot People/Hot Play/Hot Community/ AND THE FOOD!!!!!
Holy COW! I just realized that I was so busy that I forgot to
write something last week! OOPS!!
The fund raiser that we threw last Saturday was a complete
blast!! I think that handing out raffle tickets kicked off the evening really
well. It was decided that everyone should get raffle tickets - whether they had
money or not. It was also decided that
we were going to give as many as the person wanted, however they wanted them. So
I got to say- “give me money- or not, and how many do you
want?” OR- “your choice of whom you want
to wrap or be wrapped by!”
It was so awesome having a lot of people being wrapped or doing
the wrapping- and not having it limited
to whoever can pay for however many tickets. We wanted
everyone to have at least a chance to win something!! So even if you didn’t
have money, we wrapped you and gave them to you anyway! The raffle was so amazing!!
You could have heard a pin drop as they called
out the numbers- and it felt right to just give out the tickets! I have been at
events before where I couldn't afford to buy tickets. I know that that feels like. So being able to say “no money - so what- how
many do you want?” was a joy for me.
The raffle prizes were delicious! Homemade jewelry, shoes, floggers, Alibi made this piece that every one drooled over, bondage, rope, fire cupping, Vlad's balls,
lap dancing, cherry dump cake, massages, clothespins, and so much more! People came and gave and gave!!!
After the raffle the play
that night was hot hot- flogging,
electricity, and oh- the massages-mmmmmmmm.
I was so blessed I got to do saline injections and electricity- Roughhouse
you are such a STUD! And when M came over to join us- it was delicious!!! She
held him, and I happily zapped away at his man
Then I was feeling expansive- I wanted to try all sort of
things!!! So I DID!!! I got to cane and flog
Vlad’s balls! YEP! M said go for it- AND
BOY DID I! It was weird- from time to time it was, you know, looking at me, you
know his junk, so I had to move it over to the other side with my shirt.
I felt that was more respectful of M. DAMN-
it was AWESOME!!!!
Then this gentleman wanted to know how different floggers
felt, so my slave TOTALLY PIMPED me out! WHAT?!?!?!?
I jumped at the chance and I flogged him. it
was short, a learning session. Different floggers feel differently talking him
through. “You feel this? You feel it be
different?” This is this one that is that one- it was cool and fun. My slave
assisted, we talked in hushed tones about him, she held the floggers, and
tended to me. I loved that, she is so insightful and knowledgeable. I am so
I was on cloud nine by the time it was all said and done. I
sat on the couch happy, laughing, giggling, glazed over, and so deeply
What made it even more amazing was at the very end of the night
my slave and I and Bozos guardians all sat down to count. Now I had a goal of
about 200$ that I really wanted raised- but the money wasn’t as important as
the support that was shown, so I just let any expectation of that go.
When I heard the total I was blown away- 640$. NO Shit-
I just sat back and let myself breathe.
This community is amazing.
All of it blew my mind- the food – the people- the volunteers-
the atmosphere. There was so much experience and knowledge at the party I didn’t
feel a need to go over the rules- I really felt that people knew how to act and
how to respect each other.
It reminded me why I love it here so much. There was so much
laughter and so much joy. I felt so deeply blessed.
Bozo has only 500$ to go to make his surgery. We as a community
did that. We made it work.
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