This week is Spring Pan. I am so wildly excited. Thanks to a
sponsor we got a hotel room! We are so
blessed! Thank you “D”!!!
I will be at Exploratorium Friday night. I will be doing
flogging- my favorite type of play. Then
on Saturday my slave and I will
be vending and then I teach a hands
on flogging class from 3 -
Still looking for a demo
bottom btw!!!!
This is a big deal for us. First, it is our first time
vending, first time putting ourselves out there in that way. My slave puts her
heart into her works. she studies every
day. she reads, talks with
more experienced people, and does research every day. It is amazing to see her heart and dedication in this.
It is also the first time that my book will be available.
According to the shipping records the books will be in on Friday. We only had
enough money to buy 10, but that is OK. This is a life dream coming true, and I
can’t get over the fact that it is happening. “M/s for the rest of U/s” was something
that I never thought would happen.
I wrote it. I even paid an editor to complete it. But when life got so bad I had to abandon the
project. I just couldn’t think about getting a book out there when we had no
water or heat. So a few months ago when the four of us (we call ourselves the 4
horses of the apocalypse - I am Famine. Ha ha) got together and they started pushing
me for the book. So I thought “Well --OK
well- here goes.”
They agreed to help
get it edited, and before I knew it I was published through Lulu.
All in time for Spring Pan.
I have wanted to be a writer since I was in my teens. I have
wanted this for a very long time.
I can’t believe it is here. I never thought it would ever
really happen.
On top of it all of that it is our foray into this part of
the community again in a big way. We have stayed out of some of the events for
a bit. We were healing, coming to terms with life changing, trying to get everything
under control. It was all so overwhelming. But now we are in a place that is
really good. We are in a place that gets to
give back and come from safety. We
are coming from a place where it is time to get back into the world. And I love
So it is fun, exciting and very scary in a lot of ways.
Being back – and having this community change and grow so fast --as it does.
So here are some pics of the vending that we will be doing.
It is like this starts something new for us in so many ways.
But I feel ready. I feel prepared.
They say that there is no such thing as real altruism. I
think that for me anyway- that is true. I love to give back because it makes me
feel like I matter. Like I can have a
place. Wow – that got a lot deeper then
I intended.
So enjoy Spring Pan everyone!
PLAY !!!! FUCK!!!! CUM!!!!!
Goddess lotion bars : clary sage, roman camomile, and tart apple
Heart massage bars:
Ylang - Ylang, palnarosa, yuzu, and sandalwood
chocolate bath truffles:
make the water feel like silk:
coco butter, vanilla bourbon,
bath bombs: white: lavender, and crisp cotton
bath bombs : purple and yellow:
yuzu, lime, red grapefruit, lavender, star of Bethlehem flower, butterfly pea flowers
Bear claw emulsified sugar scrubs:
cardamom, vanilla burbon, hemp , almond oil
Sleepy time lotion bars:
Douglas fir, lavender, rosemary
Rose dream bath fizzies!
Rose petals, rose water, geriaumin rose oil,
palmarosa, YlangYlang, rose wood, and Sacred Datura flower essence.
AND my first published book, second written one will also be for sale at PAN! (This is a pic of the cover art- the books arrive on Friday!)