Hello everyone!
Well, it is finally here. The culmination of years of wanting this to happen.
I have wanted to be a writer since I was a kid. It is the one thing that I can remember with certainty.
In high school I was on the journalism team and I had my own column for about 3 years.
After high school I was published in various forms until my first marriage at 25 years old.
Then about 5 years ago I stated writing again when the delicious Pixie, who I was corresponding with at the time, asked me "what is your dream job?"
I started writing the next day. "M/s for the rest of Us" is my second written book, but my first published one. My first written book is called "Through the Bad Patch" . I am putting that piece on the back burner, it is a lesbian fiction book that deals with domestic violence.
I am doing that because I am currently writing my third book on nurse to nurse violence, and I want that one out before "Bad Patch".
So how did this happen? Well...... The four of us were out to lunch in January. We were talking about Spring Pan, vending, and what each of us were going to do for the table. Everyone had a thing except me so I decided that I was going to be the barker. The loud obnoxious one that brought people over to the table- it wasn't a stretch for me!
I was more then happy to be a barker! I even had my tag line ready I was going to say "DO YOU Want to get laid? If so come to our table! "
Well that want good enough for my family, they pushed me and asked, "No really, Keli, what do you DO?" I said quietly "I write."
And they took it from there. they asked about my book writing and what was ready, I explained that the books are written , I just needed an editor and a publisher.
They had both, at their fingertips and I was out of excuses and fast. I got so nauseous that I couldn't even finish lunch.
My editor Lisa Powell challenged me and pushed me. She asked my to write better and more chapters, to cover content that I had missed. She would not let it go until she felt that I was at my best. She shouldered so much of my anxiety and pushed through and got the work done.
So many times I was able to say "I don't care" when it came to formatting and the foot work. I had something that I was adamant about, but for the most part I was impartial.
And after months of her hard work and my atrociously spelled and grammar-less re writes, here it is:
If you want a copy you can get one here, there are also reviews posted there:
Or on Amazon:
If you want to do something really cool go to Google and type
and then watch it come right up!!
Wow- how cool.
How lucky am I?

(Picture by Fox_Fotography!!!!) Leather Bear Tails is about the leather journey of my slave and I. It deals with all parts of the leather and BDSM experience from safety to predators, to skills, and all of the lovely mistakes that she and I make along the way!! Also!! I have written a book called "M/s for the Rest of Us" it can be found for purchase here: http://www.lulu.com/shop/k-e-enzweiler/ms-for-the-rest-of-us/paperback/product-22151343.html
I have written a book called "M/s for the Rest of Us" it is available for purchase here: http://www.lulu.com/shop/k-e-enzweiler/ms-for-the-rest-of-us/paperback/product-22151343.html
Or on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Rest-Us-K-E-Enzweiler/dp/1329062213/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1432825657&sr=1-2&keywords=m%2Fs+for+the+rest+of+us
I am the founder of the Albuquerque Masters Group. We meet once every other month. The group is open to all who wish to explore their Mastery, slavery, or Dominance and submission. Please contact me here or at my email : Bigdykebear@yahoo.com for more information! The meetings are free to all who wish to attend!
If you are interested in power munches, skills workshops or play parties in the Albuquerque area please contact the 20 year organization of AEL at:
If you are interested in active online community please find:
Group names for the Albuquerque Community Include:
Land Of Enchantment Fetlifers
Albuquerque Kinksters
KinkySpot Clubhouse
Albuquerque Master/slave forum
New Mexico Leather League: Leather/Kink/Fetish and More
Friday, May 29, 2015
Friday, May 22, 2015
"That is just what we do.”
It was at Spring Pan that WhipDaddy, Mauro, myself and my
slave go pinned into Mama's family.
About two weeks alter I had
the chance to sit down with WhipDaddy and he pulled up the Mamas family pic taken a week after Spring Pan at the Southwest Leather event and he said
"What makes that significant is that this picture was taken a WEEK after Spring Pan , and everyone in it was either vending, boot
blacking, donating, or performing for the Southwest Leather event on that night. That is just
what we do.”
He is right. That is just what we do.
This community blows my mind.
(Also SPECIAL thanks to Vlad7 for having his camera at the ready!)
Friday, May 15, 2015
Hot Play, Bozo, and this community at its BEST.
The AEL play party in April was epic! I was not feeling well as I was still recovering from my sinus and ear infections. The meds were kind of working, but not all of the way. I was really struggling with not being nauseous and trying to be upbeat.
I needed to go because I had a lot of the supplies for the party. Also because we were moving the equipment out of the host house that night. I love helping out in that way. I know that when it comes to organizing stuff, it is the behind the scenes crew that can make and break a night. So I was happy to help.
But 5 minutes before we left for the party I was still puking in the sink. The kitchen sink. My slave was not happy.
Both because I was sick and still insistent on going and because- hey it was the kitchen sink.
But I was so glad that we went! That night it was announced that The Boobs for Bozo event by AMG was nominated for small event of the year at Pantheon. Huge. Huge. It was incredible to hear.
Later that night my slave was topping a hot redhead. It was hot to watch my slave top her. My slave had been prepping for her scene most of the day. Throwing a few floggers, talking about biting, lipstick, and how she was going to make the bottom respond to her. It was hot when she talked about it, but when she did it- WHEW! Mmmmmmmmmm... Fantasy made LIVE!!! IN MY PANTS!!!!!!
That night I was also honored to co top Happy Feet with another amazing Master. I had wanted to do that for a long time. To co top with this other Master who I have a deep connection with. IT was WILD! Beating and torturing the wild Happy Feet while she squirmed and moaned. IT was HOT HOT HOT!
The other Master was using her belt; it was such a turn on!!! I used a metal flogger with chains for the falls, a cane, as well as a vampire claw. WOOF -- it was really erotic! My favorite part was when we talked about how serious leather was and then I blew a raspberry into Happy Feet’s boob. VERY SERIOUS!
Afterwards we did some cool down and rested and I made my way into a play room. I got to watch some sensual play between two amazing people that make my heart beat a little faster every time I see them. It made me smile, made me relax, and made me enjoy and be grateful for the night all that much more.
It wasn’t long before we had to organize for the leaving of the party. I went happy, delirious, and floaty.
We got to play and we go to help be a part of things going smoothly. It was perfect night.
Here is the submission for Pantheon. I am so deeply honored. Even if we don’t win- the idea that someone sees what AMG is about and wants to honor that- Wow- I am just - Wow. . .
It is my honor to submit an event for the Small Event of the Year Pantheon of Leather Award. That event was “Boobies for Bozo” held September 27, 2014. It was a fundraiser that brought together many of the wildly diverse facets of the Albuquerque community to raise funds for cancer treatment for a former IMsL’s beloved dog (Lori “IMsL 2004” Ellison’s dog, Bozo). It was a joint venture of Albuquerque Master’s Group (AMG) and Alternative Erotic Lifestyles (AEL) and raised nearly $1,000 to cover veterinary bills. It was attended by about 60 people (many of whom were newcomers to the Albuquerque BDSM scene). It featured a sumptuous soul food dinner, a raffle, and a raucous play party. One of the highlights of the event was what has come to be known as the “Bozo style” raffle -- which allows people a chance to participate regardless of their means. The event was a tremendous success; its format becoming the framework for a subsequent fundraiser for March of Dimes (“Boobies for Babies” held this spring). Boobies for Bozo was notable not just for the money it raised, but for its relaxed atmosphere and the way it brought together so many of the facets of the diverse Albuquerque Community for a great, fun-filled evening.
Friday, May 8, 2015
When we come together
A few months ago I had this thought “I want to do a fundraiser and I want to do some workshops for AMG (Albuquerque Masters Group). But I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes, so how do I make this work and make this cohesive?” So I went to Stan at AEL and I said “let’s do something together. AEL Kinkskills already does hands on workshops so how about an event with AMG? That way everything is above board, everyone is talking, and everyone gets a hand on things.” I got so excited and then Stan got excited and then it just flew from my hands from there.
People poured out off the wood work to give donations, and they were AMAZING! We had a 200.00$ dress, a violet wand set, a leather vest, a set of hi heel thigh high black and red boots, a full package from Spring Pan.
And as much as these things got me so excited, what else got my fire burning was the collaboration. It turns out that one of our classes was precursor to Spring Pan, and so the teachers were going to get together to support each other and help the attendees transition from class to class.
That is what this community is all about. It is so giving.
So the day of the event we were ready. My slave had spent weeks on the garden and on the house making everything comes together. When the doors opened it was a steady line of people. The classes started and by the end of the class times they were packed full-- with people still coming.
One of the classes was needle play. I love to do needles on someone else, but I had never had it done to me- so I thought perfect opportunity to try. So there I was with my one needle inserted in my arm, slumped over the table, turning green and calling myself a bad ass. I watched as others took rows of needles, and I thought I could do one more. Nope. So I found out a little something about myself.
Afterwards the raffle was epic! I was so grateful for all of the help!
Jaime and Lori handled the raffle so that I could go do other things. That was huge because the donations kept pouring in as the people did. I couldn’t keep UP!!!! They took in all of the prizes, set up cups to hold the tickets and labeled everything. It was more then I could handle and they were AMAZING!
After the raffle we went right into play.
At that point was getting a little tired. I went to sit in the dungeon to watch and enjoy the energy of the play. Then I realized-OH SHIT! The cleaning supplies!!! I totally FORGOT the cleaning supplies! I grabbed the next person that I thought could help and sent him to the room for the supplies. It wasn’t until afterwards that I thought! OH SHIT I forgot the trash cans!!AAAAA!!!
Oh well- everyone stayed safe, everyone was wonderful. Some people even had cleaning wipes on hand and took care of their areas. The play was so beautiful to watch. So many different types of play. There was flogging, rope, vampire gloves, dragon’s tail, and we even had a “little” show and do some coloring!
After the last AEL munch on knife play I have wanted to do some knife play! It just so happens I know this amazing bottom who I will call Happy feet.
I had her close her eyes and I played and played on her body, as she writhed and bucked. It was so amazing! It was so much fun! Afterwards we went and rested in aftercare, and I took the night in.
I had the chance to talk with so many wonderful people. To get to know them a little better, to see how when asked people would happily, willingly, beautifully and selflessly give parts of themselves up to the cause.
At the end of the day the community raised 250.00$ for AEL Kinkskills, and another 1200.00$ for March of Dimes.
This community did that.
You did that.
The power of collaboration, being above board and inclusion did that.
The joy of seeing each other successful did that.
The coming together for something bigger than “us” did that.
There are few things greater than that.
Friday, May 1, 2015
Spring Pan, tastings, flogging, play, PINS!!!!
Spring Pan. Wow. What just happened in my life? Huh.
On Friday night we showed up and did the tasting. I did flogging,
but I had the easy part. My slave worked her ass off as she signed people up for
15 or 10 minute sessions, then tracked them down when they would wander off, talked
and put people at ease, cleaned the cross in between sessions, provided water
and a place for people to sit afterwards, and encouraged people to try other things
like single tail as they waited for the flogging. I was so impressed by her- it only made me
love her more.
The whole thing was a
phenomenal experience. I ended up flogging people for about three and half
hours. I was sopping wet when I was done-
but I was so INTO IT didn’t really start to hit me until
I laid down that night.
The next day we were venders. There were four of us at our “Crossroads
table” and we all had goals for the day, obtainable goals that would mark
success for each of us personally and the table as a whole. So imagine our surprise
when I sold out of books by noon, Lori sold out of candles, and Jaime couldn’t
take a break between readings. The
biggest surprise for us was that my slaves stuff sold also completely out. I mean
completely, we had nothing but empty boxes and tumbleweeds at the end of the
day. It was so overwhelming that when it was time for my flogging class I was
already high in the clouds!
When I walked into the class I knew it was going to be a challenge,
they always are, but every class is different. My goal for that class was to
get people looking at flogging differently, to get them thinking about the skill
and not the tool, to get them making the connection between the crotch and the
flogger. I was SO DEEPLY grateful to WhipDaddy, Master C, and my SMOKIN HOT demo
bottom Cupcake for stepping up and helping people while I was rounding the room
and doing one on ones.
After the class I was glowing, sweating and on cloud nine. People
were really getting into positioning and understanding floggers. They were
catching on to how not let the tool define the skill. It was just what I
wanted. Since then I have gotten personal positive feedback- and I hope to
receive my comments within the next 2 weeks or so. I wish that I would have had
a little more room for people to explore- but I can’t complain- this was perfect.
When I left the class we packed up, had dinner, and a little
rest before the Pageant of the Perverse. During one of the performances I got to
dance with my slave in the back, I loved holding her.
Then they called Jaime and Lori up to the stage, and I
looked at my slave like “What is going on?” she just smiled.
They started talking about Mamas family, what the organization
does, and what it means to them and to the international leather community worldwide.
Then they pinned our Brother WhipDaddy.
Next they called me up. I was stunned. I was so stunned that when I stood
up and walked into the isle my pants feel down and I tripped almost falling
over. So there I was walking up to the stage pulling up my pants, and trying
not to look crazy.
I got down on one knee to receive my pin. I couldn’t think
of any other way to receive such an honor. Jaime pinned me. After that they
called up my salve. They let me pin her. I was shaking and crying and so proud.
Then they had JD call up our brother Mauro. I was shocked and amazed to be able
to be on the stage with Jaime, Lori, WhipDaddy, and Mauro. It is one of the
highest honors that I have ever received.
Afterwards was the play party. It was hot hot hot! I had the
best time! I got to watch all sorts of hot amazing play and was amazed and blown
away by what this community has organized.
Thank you to ClareDeLune and to YourDarkness and to everyone
who had a hand in this.
All of you made this weekend epic for me. Life changing.
As we were leaving for the night on Saturday- I had someone
pull me to the side. They asked if I could talk, I said sure I have a couple of
minutes. And what they said is forever burned onto my heart.
They had read some of my book, and they wanted to thank
me. What they had read had helped them.
With other books it was more of a monologue, but with this one they really felt
like they could do something.
I was BLOWN away.
We had to leave because my slave was crashing, but I promised
to find them on FET the next day so that we could talk. I did.
Just Amazing.
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