I have written a book called "M/s for the Rest of Us" it is available for purchase here: http://www.lulu.com/shop/k-e-enzweiler/ms-for-the-rest-of-us/paperback/product-22151343.html

Or on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Rest-Us-K-E-Enzweiler/dp/1329062213/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1432825657&sr=1-2&keywords=m%2Fs+for+the+rest+of+us

I am the founder of the Albuquerque Masters Group. We meet once every other month. The group is open to all who wish to explore their Mastery, slavery, or Dominance and submission. Please contact me here or at my email : Bigdykebear@yahoo.com for more information!
The meetings are free to all who wish to attend!

If you are interested in power munches, skills workshops or play parties in the Albuquerque area please contact the 20 year organization of AEL at:


If you are interested in active online community please find:


Group names for the Albuquerque Community Include:

Land Of Enchantment Fetlifers

Albuquerque Kinksters

KinkySpot Clubhouse

Albuquerque Master/slave forum

New Mexico Leather League: Leather/Kink/Fetish and More

Friday, March 25, 2016

I am not my illness

This has been such in interesting week. I am just getting over a bout of pneumonia followed by asthma followed by bronchitis. All of those as my slave has had cold, after flu, after cold. I give her this though; she has the most adorable sniffles and snots. Turns out she has bronchitis and is on antibiotics and steroids. I was thrilled when  the Dr could see her.  

I have really missed being out and about. I am deeply regretful that I missed the last few speakers at the Wet Munch.  They are some of my favorite people and I love hearing them speak. Their lives are rich, intentional, and fascinating.  I always learn so much from them. So I am pissed at my own lungs. And I cant wait to  ask  them  to  speak  again  so  that I can  be there!

I have had to take an entire week off of work. It terrified me. I am thrilled about this new job. It is what I need in my life so much right now. And the thought of being so new and losing my job has filled me with fear. My boss has been incredibly reassuring and I have all my DR notes and ER visit documentation, so returning to work inst a problem. But that does little to  lessen  my anxiety. 

I have kept myself still by working on my next book. It is almost complete and should be ready for publication by April 15th. That is my goal date. I am finishing my hard edit right now. Then it goes to proof, and then to pre publication.  

And then the big big news. I am re-homing Rainey. My grey racehorse, Rainey will have a great forever home because of this amazing, talented, beautiful, and completely enrapturing woman that is in the community. This makes my heart so very happy. I will  always be grateful  to her and hers. It is time and it is the right thing. Rainey and I have had a complicated relationship.  And I am, well, in a different space in my life. I need other things then what she can give. And she needs other things then what I can give. 

I have already chosen my next horse and if things go well, like her vet papers and her transport, then she should be here the first week or two of April. This is a huge leap and I am both scared and so deeply excited. 

But for the moment, I am dealing with my lungs.  It is hard to be sick for long periods of time. People ask how I am doing and still now, two weeks later I am, in essence, the same. I feel self conscious about talking about it when people ask, like I am disappointing them by being not well for so long.  This only leads me to feeling more like I am failure. Maybe that is why I retreat into writing so much. I am never as exposed or as bold as I am when I am writing. I can  write and suck  on  a nebulizer, I can  write and not breathe, I can  write and drink cup  after cup  of my slaves special  hot tea for cough, I can  write and be complaint with  Dr orders. 

 I can write and still be a person.  

Even  if my lungs stop  me from  going outside or puttering around the house at 3am like I love doing.  

What got me this time was the pain, I am used to lung pain, it happens every year, but this was enough to break me out into a sweat. Still now, weeks later I feel the aches when I take a deep breath.

So getting the review for my book right as I was in a very painful point of my illness was just what I needed. 

It reminded me that I am not my illness. I am  not my pain, I am  not my inability to  breathe, I am  not my medicine.

I am still me.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Please enjoy her review

After “M/s for the Rest of Us” came out I sent it around to a few places. I sent it to some publishers, but mostly to people whose blogs I have really enjoyed. Or whose posts I read on a regular basis.
One belongs to Luna. It is called "Submissive Guide".   I would encourage you to joint her site because of her excellent articles and opens to answer questions.  When I have emailed her privately, she has answered me sometimes on  the same day. 

Find it here:  http://www.submissiveguide.com/

I have enjoyed reading her stuff from the D and s point of view and one day I thought “why not send her a copy of the book and see if she would review it?”  So I did. This was easily about 8 months ago and I honestly didn’t really expect anything to come of it.
 And then one day I went to read her post and there it was. There it was. There I was.   And now here it is for you to read. I am honored, humbled and in awe of what she has written. 

Please enjoy her review of “M/s for the Rest of Us".

"Master/slave relationships are not usually more complex than D/s ones but they do have their own quirks and manners and behaviors that other relationships don’t have. Which is probably why when lifestyle books come out that are about relationships they are specific about which type of relationship they most relate to. In today’s book review, we’ll be talking about M/s relationships. Clearly, it’s not just the title that will give it to you. The whole manner of the book is about developing an M/s relationship. So what am I talking about? I’m going to share with you my thoughts on M/s for the Rest of Us by K.E. “Master Bear” Enzweiler.
This book was sent to me by the author to review and while that won’t impact the review of the book, I do appreciate getting review copies of books.
Okay so first, this book is written primarily for people embracing the Master role, rather than the slave, but that doesn’t make it any less informative to the slaves. I know many Dominants who read this site because it helps them gain insight into their partners, and it’s a good practice that everyone should do.  Never before have I seen a book in this specific format and I really liked it. Each chapter starts out with a deep discussion of the topic, whether that be finding your identity, service in the home or training. I found myself underlining and making notes in the margins (something I RARELY do) about things that struck a chord in me. After the discussion is a “Notes from the Author” where you get a glimpse into the author’s personal relationship and how the topic works and looks in their own relationship.
What I appreciate most about this book is that it’s not a “this is how it’s done book” where a more experienced person draws out the method and tells you that you have to do it one way and only one way. The author provides very down to earth advice and explanations, as if you are sitting across the table with them at a coffee shop. It’s a really welcoming way to present information.  And to help the reader figure out how to put what they learned into practice, or just to reflect; each chapter has a reader participation section where you are asked questions on how you’d apply the information from the chapter into your own relationship or your own identity. I wish a lot more books helped the reader process what they read in this or similar fashion.
The chapters I chewed on the most were about service and training. These two words alone tend to make most people hesitate. It feels so formal, right? Well an M/s relationship doesn’t have to be formal to have elements of service and training. “Service, if it is done with an air of relaxation and normality, without hype or calling attention to it, can go relatively unnoticed. Done right, it won’t seem out of place” (pg 18). And it’s true. Much of what an M/s relationship looks like is a symbiotic dance of two people. It’s not theater and it’s not an attention-seeking play scene at a party. This book does a great job at placing the reality of M/s into everyday life and looking at it closely.
I would have loved a chapter or two from the slave in this relationship, sort of counterpoint to some of the topics, but that could just be my desire to find out more about myself as a slave and looking into the windows of another is always helpful. The book isn’t lacking for not having anything from the right of the slash, it is just a personal desire from what I think is a great book.
I really loved this book and while I took awhile reading it, the book wasn’t at fault. I wanted to digest every word and it inspired a few upcoming articles for the site too! I suggest that if you are interested in an M/s relationship that you pick up this book."


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Spring Pan Challenge

I am so sorry that I won’t be able to join everyone for this weekend’s festivities. It turns out that I have walking pneumonia. I was truly looking forward to my DM shifts and talking with everyone and playing!!!  

One of these days I will actually get to play at an event and I am ACHING for it!  

So I have a challenge  for you:

Getting complacent in BDSM is really easy, especially if you have been doing it for a long time. Everything can become comfortable and rote. That is not a bad thing, but it can take away from some of the spontaneity, learning, and fun that new things and challenges bring. 

So I challenge you to take the opportunity of Spring Pan and do something new. Something maybe you have wanted to try but it never seemed like the time or the place. 

A new type of play, protocol, a new honorific, or way of communicating (for example hand signals).  

So today think about that thing- maybe it  is something that you have read about or something that you have masturbated about or something that you dreamed about that you really have secretly wanted to try and just never have because life or fear got in the way.

This weekend is the perfect time to write it down, and give it to whomever (partner, fuck buddy) and say “let’s do that!!!!”

Stretch yourself- talk to that person that you have wanted to but were too intimidated to.

Push those boundaries- 

Make this weekend the one where when you look back on it you can say- “Remember when I/we/all of us did that?”


I am headed back to bed now.

(I would also like to put out a very personal thank you to everyone who contacts me about my blog spelling, grammar, ect…. Uhh- keep doing THAT!!!!!)

Sunday, March 6, 2016


I am sorry that this is late this week. I have been feeling under the weather.  However, Spring Pan is coming up next week, and I am SO excited for a lot of reasons!  

First off, I am  DM-ing. Just to explain here- I don’t DM. I haven’t in easily 12 years. I just don’t feel like I know enough about what is going on in another’s head to call safe or not safe. BUT- the woman  who  asked me to  DM  is the same woman  who  at the  “Share the Love” fundraiser came up  with the prize that I won. A dinner for two and tickets to the Boyz to Men concert.
My slave and I had a blast, we laughed and talked and LOVED the concert. At one point over dinner, we even  got congratulated on  being gay and happy. (All  you gay folks out there know what I am  talking about). 

It was on Valentine’s Day, and we always forget about Valentine’s Day, or we simply sleep through it. But this Valentine’s day we got to do something special. Because of all of her hard work for the fundraiser, as soon as she asked me I said yes. 
So here I GO! I will be DM-ing both Friday and Sat nights.  

My slave will be vending her amazing wares that are constantly changing.  As she grows and expands her knowledge so do her products grow and expand.

So all of this got me to thinking- there is so much Talent here in New Mexico. 

We may be a small city in comparison to the rest of the USA, but we are literally bursting with talent. So I asked a few of the MOST talented people that I know to send me pics of what they have, and here they are. 




             THE AMAZING ALIBI

                   THE PHENOMENAL TEASE

 MY LOVELY LADY AND the extraordinary "LAUGHING    GODDESS" 

Remember to visit your vendors, these are YOUR people who put their time, effort, energy, and love and thought n into every detail, every moment, and every piece of what they do. 

Need to  register for the event?
