I have written a book called "M/s for the Rest of Us" it is available for purchase here: http://www.lulu.com/shop/k-e-enzweiler/ms-for-the-rest-of-us/paperback/product-22151343.html

Or on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Rest-Us-K-E-Enzweiler/dp/1329062213/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1432825657&sr=1-2&keywords=m%2Fs+for+the+rest+of+us

I am the founder of the Albuquerque Masters Group. We meet once every other month. The group is open to all who wish to explore their Mastery, slavery, or Dominance and submission. Please contact me here or at my email : Bigdykebear@yahoo.com for more information!
The meetings are free to all who wish to attend!

If you are interested in power munches, skills workshops or play parties in the Albuquerque area please contact the 20 year organization of AEL at:


If you are interested in active online community please find:


Group names for the Albuquerque Community Include:

Land Of Enchantment Fetlifers

Albuquerque Kinksters

KinkySpot Clubhouse

Albuquerque Master/slave forum

New Mexico Leather League: Leather/Kink/Fetish and More

Friday, January 18, 2013

Sick and PIssed and in Awe

I am  so  sick right now, and I have been for more than two weeks. It's this DAMN  head cold that has me like some sort of gremlin and is wrestling my head and throat and body to the ground with  its mucousy grasp!!!!

 My poor slave is just as bad off as I am. So we are taking turns taking care of each other, depending on who has more strength at that moment.

I am pissed because so much life happens when I am stuck in that damn bed. I missed two amazing events' that I had been  looking forward to for weeks!!  Seriously, my boxer's were wet with anticipation and everything!  I missed out on having coffee with a great friend and then hopping across town to  playpool  with  an amazing and fascinating  woman.  I also missed going to the aquarium and being able to hold my love and watch the Dork  fish.  I love going to the aquarium just for this one fish!!!!  She loves  it to!!!!!! Every time we see it  we say  "I'm  a dork fish!"  ( Look  it makes sense to us ok?!?!?!)

If this illness continues,  I will be missing out on being able to take pictures, going to a play party, having coffee with my leather brother,  and two  more dinners with  friends.  

What the FUCK?


  However,  I am just as in awe of my slave as I am pissed at being sick.  She has been  absolutely amazing even  though she is fighting body aches, nausea, fatigue,  and weakness. She has gotten up at 2 am  to make me soup more then once. She has driven me into town at 6 am for more medicine, all the while driving down the mountain  on iced and  snowy roads.  She has  watched over my cough She has brought me hot tea and  soup  (made special just the way I like it!) around the clock.

She has never once complained, never once said, "no. Never once has she said that she couldn't take care of me. She has me made me feel  so loved and so safe.

I am in  awe and amazed and very much  feeling blessed that she is in my life. Not only does she serve, but she loves me when she does it.
I have no words for what she has done for me over the past few days, I only have utter gratefulness and love.




  1. True appreciation is a very loving and powerful thing. It completely sucks being sick but it makes it less so having someone you love there by your side.

  2. I'm late getting here, but I hope you're feeling better by Sunday. Love to you both. We miss you.

