I have written a book called "M/s for the Rest of Us" it is available for purchase here: http://www.lulu.com/shop/k-e-enzweiler/ms-for-the-rest-of-us/paperback/product-22151343.html

Or on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Rest-Us-K-E-Enzweiler/dp/1329062213/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1432825657&sr=1-2&keywords=m%2Fs+for+the+rest+of+us

I am the founder of the Albuquerque Masters Group. We meet once every other month. The group is open to all who wish to explore their Mastery, slavery, or Dominance and submission. Please contact me here or at my email : Bigdykebear@yahoo.com for more information!
The meetings are free to all who wish to attend!

If you are interested in power munches, skills workshops or play parties in the Albuquerque area please contact the 20 year organization of AEL at:


If you are interested in active online community please find:


Group names for the Albuquerque Community Include:

Land Of Enchantment Fetlifers

Albuquerque Kinksters

KinkySpot Clubhouse

Albuquerque Master/slave forum

New Mexico Leather League: Leather/Kink/Fetish and More

Friday, September 21, 2012

little kid at the BIG Kids Table

I got to be the little kid sitting at the Big Kids table on Monday!!   IT WAS SO AWESOME! I just needed a sippy cup and a bib!!!

I got to sit and listen to the Biggies talk about their lives, and ask questions to Vi Johnson, Max Rulz, and Boi Robbie, and then I got to embarrass myself at Guy Baldwin!

I am going to paraphrase some of the things here that were said that I am still thinking about.  These are just parts of conversations, so bear with me as my head is still spinning over the experience of Monday.

Safe words make lazy ass tops. They don’t have to think, they don’t have to know anything, and they don’t have to watch their bottoms.

You can train a Monkey to flog, I can read a book and flog…. (In relationship to bottoms using safe words as manipulation.)

If you don’t trust - you will never fly.

Relationships, especially poly ones are not about the people looking at each other- they are about the people in the relationship all looking in the same direction.

You would learn because a Grand Master would be right at your side saying watch this, and what do you see here, and what about this.

 When I first asked her to mentor me she hung up on me, it took a long time to convince her that I really wanted to be mentored.  Then it was months of questions.

The best teacher for a new slave is another slave.

A Master can’t just bring in another slave and command that they be family - that shit don’t fly. You can’t build from the top.

I can train a slave to clean, but I can’t train a slave to not lie to me, that is my only deal breaker.

I am the keeper of secrets.

My other top moments:

Thank you to Saint for allowing me time with Chance.  That was a blessing.

 Thank you Sera for letting me run you out of your own kitchen- that was erotic and a blessing!

My amazing slave dancing at the drop of a hat by request.

Ms. R telling me that she was a dominant after I asked her to hand me my glass with both hands!!!!!  OOOOPPPPPSSSS!!!!

Giving complete permission to SW, T, and A to sit on my slave if she moves from her place before she finishes her lunch and her drink!

Honestly speaking I have had fantasies about things that I thought would never happen in my lifetime.
Meeting these people, hearing their words, soaking up every amazing minute that was a gift and a joy that I NEVER thought would happen to me.

Thank you NMFL for making this happen!!!!!!

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