I have written a book called "M/s for the Rest of Us" it is available for purchase here: http://www.lulu.com/shop/k-e-enzweiler/ms-for-the-rest-of-us/paperback/product-22151343.html

Or on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Rest-Us-K-E-Enzweiler/dp/1329062213/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1432825657&sr=1-2&keywords=m%2Fs+for+the+rest+of+us

I am the founder of the Albuquerque Masters Group. We meet once every other month. The group is open to all who wish to explore their Mastery, slavery, or Dominance and submission. Please contact me here or at my email : Bigdykebear@yahoo.com for more information!
The meetings are free to all who wish to attend!

If you are interested in power munches, skills workshops or play parties in the Albuquerque area please contact the 20 year organization of AEL at:


If you are interested in active online community please find:


Group names for the Albuquerque Community Include:

Land Of Enchantment Fetlifers

Albuquerque Kinksters

KinkySpot Clubhouse

Albuquerque Master/slave forum

New Mexico Leather League: Leather/Kink/Fetish and More

Friday, December 30, 2016

here I go

So as I try to figure out what to say.  My slave reminded me of the things that are important. Be grateful, have hope, and take a lesson from Obama- Go high. 

So here I go.  

I want to say thank you to everyone who has been there for us over the last month. We have both grieved deeply the loss of our boy Pokey. He passed peacefully at 28 years old, and we were blessed to have spent his last 16 years with him. 

Thank you to Whip Daddy, Jaime, Mom, J, and Baby Bear who came and shared the day with us when he passed.  He passed easy and comfortable. The vet was amazing and kind.  

Angel, the Percheron, is amazing and a delight. I work with her a lot now.  I am taking my time and healing slowly. She participated in Pokeys passing (thank you Jaime).  When I work with her I cry, she seems to understand.  

Thank you to Ninjet for coming up with food for my slave and I after Pokey passed.  That was so incredibly sweet. For those of you, who put out words of comfort and love, thank you.

Now for the elephant in the room. 

I made a mistake. For this I take complete accountability with absolutely no excuses for my behavior.  

 I have deactivated my fetlife and walked away from the wet munch. Thank you Jinx for stepping up to take this over.   

I don’t know if I will  come back  to fetlife,  all  I know right now is that I can’t right now.

For those of you who have supported us over the last month in the community, I can only say I have no words that can adequately express my gratitude for you.  

To those that cared for me, held me, protected me, gave me water, and held my hand when I was to shaken and triggered to stop crying, thank you. 

To my brave Roughhouse and his brother D, thank you beyond words for getting me home safe and comforting my slave. 

To Jaime thank you for making me walk away.  I was not safe, to myself or others.  

To Whip Daddy I love you for forgiving me for not being safe. 

To Sir B and his kitten, I love you, family.  

To everyone who talked with my slave on FB, giving us hope, offering support and love, your words are etched deeply into my heart.  

As I walk through my grief, you are there on my shoulders, seeing me through. Giving me hope.

I am  grateful  for each  and every one of you.    

Friday, November 25, 2016

Happy Holidays for those that are Hurting

May your days be restful, beautiful, and safe. For those that are hurting, and I know there are many- we,  my slave and I,  send our love, our hugz, and our comfort.

If you need a moment away from  your tears,  away from  your hurt, here it is: 

Luv to you all.


Friday, November 11, 2016

ALL of the Ladies Of Corazon Leather

This is a letter to the competitors for this year’s Leather Corazon contest. 

There were 5 of you. There were 7 of us, and we had a very tough job. Every one of you brought something unique to the table, every one of you presented with grace, intensity, and drive. Every one of you gave all you had into this competition.  Every one of you would have been the right choice.

To the three that did not win. I have this message for you. 

Come Back. 

All three of you. Come back prepped. Come back stronger.  Come back knowing how to win. You all had such strengths please don’t let this experience of not winning stop you from competing again. I want to see all three of you again, gunning for it. This community can only become better by the three of you returning.

Just a heads up- I want all three of you to speak at the Wet Munch. You three ladies were fierce and strong. We, as in YOUR community, need more of you.  

To the two that did win. Know that the other three ladies where hot on your tails. Don’t let the title year be any different than the competition. 

Prep, fight, win. 

Time will fly. 

You have tons of support, including the three phenomenal ladies that competed against you.  Go to them. Go to your community. 

Never forget that you are not alone. 

There are many who will stop what they are doing and fight for you, with you, because of you. 

Organize your events, play on your strengths. By the end of December have a 3-month goal, a 6-month goal, and a 9-month goal, and stay on track.

Don’t let gossip or hate de-rail you. Don’t let anyone’s agenda de-rail you. 

Stay the course.

This is your year.  

And it has only 11 months left.  

Saturday, November 5, 2016

What went Right?

Hello All,
Since Leather Fiesta there has not been  a lot of talk  about what good happened there.
Every event has good and fun.

As  a person  that has organized events, I know how it can  feel  when  something that I put on  goes wrong.
So  what I would like to  invite you to  do is to  put out there what went right for you-

What did you enjoy at Fiesta?
What did you laugh over?

Here is my list:

Sir B's performance- done with such joy!
The laughter and camaraderie in the vendor room
The women's dungeon!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!
I wanted to go to classes!
My Love on stage!
Being a judge!

Friday, November 4, 2016


Hello  All,

This last weekends events have been  very tough  on many.
As people have tried to  voice how they feel, using words like-  hurt,  helpless,  wounded, and scared-  the behind the scenes violence has escalated. 

People being bullied and threatened by people stoking the fires of anger and hate,  and people are having their livelihoods threatened.

What actually took  place on that stage at Fiesta is not the biggest issue. 

It is the symptom much  larger problem. 

I am  asking everyone to  take a step  back this weekend.

To  please stop  the  death threats and the hate mail.

There is no  reason for this.
This does no  good. 

We are all  adults here,  and everyone has a right to  their feelings and position.

Personally attacking people, outing them  to  their jobs,  and threatening people  is NOT what we are about.

In BDSM do  we not preach  the tenets of  OPEN, HONEST, and SAFE communication?

Do  we not say to  the newbies-  if your BDSM  partner stops you from  talking,  tells you how you should feel, and does not allow you to  come to your community for help  and understanding  that they are in a dangerous situation?

So  why are we doing this to  each  other?





Friday, October 28, 2016

Bring it ON!

At Leather Fiesta all  weekend. There have been some changes  so  I will not be able to  make it to  classes like I had previously hoped.  BUT come see my slave in  vending and I will  see you between  judging duties!


Friday, October 21, 2016

NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!

Next week is Leather Fiesta. I have loved watching how it grows and changes.  Leather Fiesta didn’t just happen. It has events that have preceded it, that groomed and matured the people who now organize it.  This year there will be vending, classes, play parties, a show, and a contest.  

My love will be vending. I am so proud of her! So make sure you stop on by and say hello. The vendors are mostly all local, so by supporting them you are supporting local small business in NM. This has a bigger impact than you might think.  Vendors pay for their spots, and being able to cover costs help them feel successful. This then drives them to return. But not just that-  it inspires people in the community to create and explore other parts of their own ability.  Looking at how someone makes a flogger may inspire someone else to start looking at a newer or different way to make toys, rope, chain mail, or furniture. Never underestimate what one’s work can do to inspire another. 

The classes look really good.  I have found that over the last decade or so I have shied away from classes. I have been burned by many a bad class, a bad or flat out dishonest presenter, or an over done topic without an original bent.  At first I would stay in every class, sitting and fawning patience. I found that while my body was sitting there, my face was well- being more open about what I really thought. So now I am at a place where if I am in a class that rubs me the wrong way, I simply get up and leave.  When I first started doing this I felt a need to make an excuse like I would pretend to start coughing really loud.  Now, however I have reached the “fuck it” stage in my leather walk, so I    simply get up and go. 
But it is time to let that go and see what is out there. So, between obligations, I am going to push myself to go to at least two classes. 

The show will be interesting as always. I will be honest. I don’t like spoken word. Poetry makes me itch. But I give a lot of cudos to those that take the stage.  It takes a lot of fortitude to put yourself out there. I do love the dance and performance pieces. I still remember when they had the contortionists. When F did the performance of “Bleed Like You” (that was way back). I didn’t get to see L fist a watermelon, but people still talk about it. I also didn’t get to watch when T and A did a cigar scene, but that one still has people swooning. Those performances stay with a person. 

My love will be preforming this year. I CAN’T WAIT! Last year at Leather Fiesta my Love performed, and those that I respect and love the most in this community came up to the stage for her. I was crying like a baby. I don’t expect to have it be much different this year!

I am a judge for the contest. I was so honored to be asked. Honestly, I have a special place in my heart for the contest.  Maybe because I was a title holder and I have seen what it did for me. How it has shaped me over all of these years.  How the title in many ways gave me a place in this community. The work was mine and the work that I have done ever since was also mine. But it made me feel like I can really accomplish things that perhaps without the title I wouldn’t or couldn’t have. It opened doors and both created and destroyed friendships. 

ABOL is running the title.  I have to give them credit.  Running a title is a lot of work. Finding contestants, judges, organizing what the contestants will be judged on, and listening to all of the loud and unfiltered bitching that always comes with any event. 
Thank you ABOL, and thank you A for making this possible. 

So last time I put out a challenge at an event it was for you to try something new, get out of your comfort zone. Did you? Did you introduce yourself to someone new? Ask a question when you would normally remain silent or try a new protocol? 

So this time- same thing- challenge yourself. What about this event will be different for you? One year from now as you think back on this event- what will you want to say you accomplished, challenged, or experienced? 

